Forum Discussion

Arnaud_Demene_6's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 02, 2013

LB::Server pool behavior changes

Hi guys,


We are testing the following iRules which deals with HTTP and HTTPS stickiness using cookies. Some times the iRule fails sending this message in the LTM log:


Oct 2 13:30:50 slot1/LTMPRE1 err tmm[10605]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/iRULE_PERSISTENCE_HTTP_HTTPS_ACCM - no such pool: (line 9) invoked from within "active_members -list [LB::server pool]"


After some troubleshooting steps we have discovered that sometimes the [LB::server pool] return a blank pool name.


Following the description of this command, in the worst case we should at least return the default Pool Name ie the Pool name applied to the Virtual Server:


LB::server pool¶ Returns the pool of the currently selected member. If no server was selected yet or all servers are down, returns default pool name.


Is this a known behaviour ? Is there any other way to get automatically the name of the pool applied to a specific VS? We need to apply this irule to different VS with different Pool Names and want to avoid customisation for each service.


Thanks for your help

