Forum Discussion

Robert_47833's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Aug 01, 2012

lb::select question

in the irule





if { xxxx} {


pool cjj$env






I want to define this $env at the top of this irule,however it should know which pool the traffic is sent,in my case it is cjjsomething.



can I use LB::select to firstly make sure which pool it use and then define the $env






if it can be done so,how to write irule



  • Robbie, what do you mean "it should know which pool the traffic is sent"?

    if you want to make sure a pool exists before using it, use 'catch', like this irule:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
       set POOL [substr [string tolower [HTTP::host]] 0 ":"]
       if { [catch { pool $POOL } ] } {
         set POOL default_pool
      pool $POOL

    This irule attempts to use a pool that matches the Host header sent by the browser, and if it does not exist sends traffic to default_pool.