Forum Discussion

RainingBlood_18's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 12, 2015

layer4-payload UUID persistence



Anyone got experience with translating Cisco ACE layer4 payload UUID pattern to F5 irules? I got this piece of Cisco config to convert to F5


sticky layer4-payload Mylayer4-payload


timeout 15


replicate sticky


serverfarm MyPool


layer4-payload begin-pattern "[/]UUID[=]" end-pattern "\x20HTTP[/]"


any advice of where do I start with this?


  • You can try this irule:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
         extract UUID parameter value from URI
        set uuid [URI::query [HTTP::uri] UUID]
        if { !($uuid equals "") } {
        persist uie $uuid
    when LB_SELECTED {
         add a persistence record when pool member is selected.
        if { !($uuid equals "") } {
            persist add uie $uuid
  • You will have to use universal persistence and write an irule that will parse the payload for identifier you are looking for. Looks like your payloads contain UUID= somewhere and your ACE uses it value to persist. Do you know where that is in the payload? Is it always in the first x amount of bytes?