Forum Discussion

pcastagnaro_709's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 30, 2013

Issue Using Remote LDAP Authentication


I configured BIG-IP to access LDAP users following the official tutorial ( but when it displays the website authentication and entry correct credentials, BIG-IP manages logon credentials with the LDAP server correctly (I checked with pcap capture), but requests credentials again. When I again entered the correct credentials, the process is the same and I can not log on to the page.



You can see the negotiation between the BIG-IP server and the LDAP is correct in this image:, so I do not know why BIG-IP request credentials every time.



I have used "ldapsearch" command from SSH console to check authentication proccess and I can see conection was success and credentials are correctly (you can see output command in "query_from_ldapsearch2.txt" file I have attached).



Thank you very much in advance.



Kind regards.


  • Posted By nitass on 05/18/2013 04:09 AM


    Where BIG-IP stores the auth log? I searched it using "find local0" through SSH but it did not show anything. have you checked /var/log/ltm?


    Dear nitass,


    Yes I did. I have checked in /var/log/ltm but there is nothing here with local.


    I tried with valid and invalid credentials