Forum Discussion

Re: Need help with iRule error log message

Hi Sahir,

you may try to add an additional debug lines to your iRule to get additional informations. It would help to see whats going on behind the scenes...



pool ets_80-pool member [session lookup uie [findstr [HTTP::uri] "jsessionid" 11 "!"] ]


... to ...


if { [catch { 

    pool ets_80-pool member [session lookup uie [findstr [HTTP::uri] "jsessionid" 11 "!"]]

}]} then {

    log -noname local0.debug "Extended Error Info: \"[subst \$::errorInfo]\""
    log -noname local0.debug "URI Info: \"[HTTP::uri]\""
    log -noname local0.debug "UIE Info: \"[session lookup uie [findstr [HTTP::uri] "jsessionid" 11 "!"]]\""
    log -noname local0.debug "Pool Info: \"[members -list ets_80-pool]\""

    drop ; We will still terminate the connection since it has thrown an error!



Note: The change creates an extended error handle. I didn't test the provided code yet, but it should work as before with the difference, that it will log additional information when the error happens again.

Warning: Please take a look to your LTM log while saving your iRule. If any CMP related warning will raise, then revert the change and come back again. The code is accessing/hacking $::errorInfo to get some additional information... 😉

Cheers, Kai


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