Forum Discussion

vinayjmd786_189's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 27, 2015

Is Microsoft CHAP version 2 supported on Diameter protocol ?

Hi Need to know Is Microsoft CHAP version 2 supported on Diameter protocol ?


  • If Yes, then how can i confirm the same?
  • And If NO, then is there any plug-in available which i can get ?

Please let me know urgently required the solution. Thanks.


    • vinayjmd786_189's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi, Brain Thanks for replay,but I need to know Which version of diameter supports MS-CHAPv2 ? From where i can get the code for MS-CHAPv2, which i can port into my project as in my project diameter not supports mschapv2?
  • Diameter is a protocol not an application.


    As far as I know, there is currently only 1 version of Diameter.


    The compliance with various RFCs, AVPs, and what Application identifiers an implementation supports are some key differentiators, not protocol versions.


    I personally do not know where you may be able to get reference implementation source code for the MS-CHAP-2 support.


    • vinayjmd786_189's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      yes diameter is a protocol and we use freeDiameter in it EAP- MS CHAPv2 is not supported,my team uses EAP-TLS,we need add the support for MS CHAPv2 Now by version I mean which version of freeDiameter supports CHAPv2? and can you refer any link from which i can download plugin for microsoft CHAPv2? shall be very greatfull for the input in this regard.
    • vinayjmd786_189's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Need to port code in freeDiameter for ms-chapv2 ,already added modules like eap-tls,eap-sim. ..>>PLease Convey me from where i an download code for ms-chapv2 and port the same in freeDiameter module.