Forum Discussion

saidshow_251381's avatar
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Oct 19, 2016

Is it possible to set multiple IPs in the Source IP Address of the advanced ASM Event log search?



I want to exclude a couple IPs from the event logs I am looking at. I can set the drop down to 'is not' for the Source IP field and enter one IP address, removing this one IP from the event logs I am searching. Is there an operator or something similar that I can use to separate multiple IPs to remove more than one IP from the event logs? Thank You.


Kind Regards Chris


  • Tikka_Nagi_1315's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    I don't believe you can specify multiple ip addresses. You can filter with route domain on the source ip field as ip_address%route_domain_id.


  • Unfortunatly the answer is 'No'. You cant input multiple IP address to extract the event logs from ASM console.


    You can try extract the logs from big ip cli, /var/log/asm file and filter it with grep commands( and/or functions).

