Forum Discussion

Fallout1984's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Oct 01, 2021

Is it possible to display the session IDs associated with a particular user name via TMSH?

I question's come up regarding the ability to delete any active VPN sessions for a particular user name as part of off-boarding (for example, an employee quits, is fired, etc). I see how to display t...
  • Daniel_Wolf's avatar
    Oct 01, 2021


    [root@bigip01:Active:Standalone] config # sessiondump --allkeys | grep 'session\.logon\.last\.username' | grep john.doe | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'

    -F'.' will set the delimeter to .

    {print $1} will only show the first block until the delimeter of the returned output