Forum Discussion

wlopez's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Mar 09, 2015

Is anyone using the sflow feature to monitor LTM traffic?

We're trying to test the sflow configuration on several 11.5.1 and 11.6.0 boxes but so far we've had no progress. After we setup the Receiver IP address we don't see any traffic going out from the box to the receiver destination. We've also tried adding a static route for the destination to the management interface but it's made no difference.


Is anyone using this feature or has at least successfully tested it?


  • wlopez's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Thanks for the reply. At first we tried to use the management port but through some tcpdumps we realized the it will only use a self IP address on the egress vlan. Those results validate what sol15193 suggests.


    We are trying to find an sflow receiver (preferably freeware and open source) that would handle the data supplied by BigIP. On the Implementations manual for V11.6: it says that BigIp sends data for the cpu, memory, source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port, protocol and http data like host, uri, user agent and method. We are trying to find a software to be able to receive that historical data an present it in a useful way (Ex. graphs, tables, etc.). We're currently trying out ntopng ( but so far we haven't been able to get the software to categorize/interpret/present the data correctly. Does anyone have any suggestions on software (preferably freeware or at least a free demo) that can currently do that?