Forum Discussion

Adidasn2019_247's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 30, 2017

Irule to resolve pool members dns names over the Internet.

Hi Guys


How to create an Irule, which resolves the pool members dns ip's? without specifically inputting the specific dns entry of the pool members?


In a nutshell, i want to create an irule, which resolves the pool members dns ip's, without mentioned their dns entries?




  • Hi Adidasn2019,


    Could you please elaborate on the requirement ? Why you want to resolve pool member names ?


  • Hi Adidasn2019,


    I've to second Nag's question...


    Why are you explicitly asking for an iRule to resolve FQDN's, if the pool members can be configured to point to FQDN instead of an static IP (this includes a periodic DNS query to update the corresponding IPs)?


    Cheers, Kai


  • Hi Guy's,


    The Pool members ip Address is an external ip, not within our own network. our application, send a request to the FQDN which target the VS on the f5, which then loads balances to the pool members ip's, this then will go to the internet.


    What im asking for is that, creating an irule which simply allows the pool members to resolve their names via google for example without specifying this on the FQDN on the irule itself, kinda like a universal irule, which allows me to put on any VS to resolve the Pool members Ip's.


  • Hi Adidasn2019,


    I've to repeat my question:


    Why are you not using the build-in FQDN functionality of LTM's pool members. There is no need to resolve the IP manually within iRules on every single request, if the pool itself is able to maintain the DNS resolution on a configurable interval for you...


    Cheers, Kai


  • as this is on the cloud, the ip address change frequently which is why i require an irule to resolve the dns everytime the vs gets hit.