Forum Discussion

kaliprasad02_16's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 23, 2014

IRULE to redirect the traffic to a under_maintenance.htm



I would like to know how to setup an IRule which will redirect all the HTTP/HTTPS traffic to URL(say under_maintenance.htm) when we make websites down for maintenance activities.


Also, in case of case of NLB with 2 NODES. where both nodes are down then how to redirect the traffic to a custom page.





  • There are a few additional options to consider:

    1. Fallback Host: Inside the HTTP profile is an option called Fallback Host. This option, when defined, will send a 302 redirect to the specified address if all pool members are down. No iRules needed.

    2. active_members check: a simple active_members check of the pool and then whatever you need to happen if all members are down:

      when CLIENT_ACCEPTED {
          set default_pool [LB::server pool]
      when HTTP_REQUEST {
          if { [active_members $default_pool] < 1 } {
               send a redirect or output HTML content here
    3. Time-based outage: based on the following post:

      when RULE_INIT {
          set static::START_OFF_TIME "Saturday 09:00 AM"
          set static::END_OFF_TIME "Saturday 11:00 AM"
      when HTTP_REQUEST {
          set start_off_time [clock scan $static::START_OFF_TIME]
          set end_off_time [clock scan $static::END_OFF_TIME]
          set now [clock seconds]
          if { ( [expr $now > $start_off_time] ) and ( [expr $now < $end_off_time] ) } {
              HTTP::respond 200 content "Maintenance ModeMaintenance mode..."
  • Arie's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    Since the Fallback Host generates a 302 (possibly followed by a 200) this could do bad things to SEO. A 503 (Service Unavailable) would be preferable in many cases.