Forum Discussion

seamlessfirework's avatar
Aug 22, 2024

iRule to extract SNI and forward to Virtual Server

Hey guys, Currently I use traffic policies on a frontside VS to inspect the SNI and forward the traffic to a backside VS properly. I tried to use an iRule instead because sometimes traffic policies ...
  • DanSkow's avatar
    Aug 27, 2024

    This looks great Lucas. Line 6 is missing the close quote. To make it map fqdn's to virtuals, I assume it would look like this:

    when CLIENTSSL_CLIENTHELLO priority 100 {
    if {[SSL::extensions exists -type 0]} {
      binary scan [SSL::extensions -type 0] @9a* SNI
      if {[regexp {(?i)[^a-z0-9.-]} $SNI]} {
        log local0. "CLIENTSSL_CLIENTHELLO client offered bogus SNI: $SNI" } 
        elseif {[info exists SNI] && ($SNI equals "")} {
            virtual a 
            #log local0. "CLIENTSSL_CLIENTHELLO client offered this SNI: [string tolower $SNI]"
        elseif {[info exists SNI] && ($SNI equals "")} {
            virtual b 
            #log local0. "CLIENTSSL_CLIENTHELLO client offered this SNI: [string tolower $SNI]"