Forum Discussion

Telnet_178675's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 20, 2014

Irule to disable ASM

i have 2 servers i want to keep forwarding traffic to server1 & in this case ASM should be disabled once server1 is down , i want to forward to server2 & enabel ASM checking if server1 is online again , i should forward to it & disable ASM as it was initially Created VS , Created two pools , each with one pool member under it Below Irule is now working , once ASM is enabled ON VS it is always enabled & never goes disabled again when serevr1 comes back online

when HTTP_REQUEST { Check Pool-1 status , if Up forward to it & make sure ASM is disabled Otherwsie Forward to Pool-2 & enable ASM if { [active_members Pool-1] >= 1 } {

                                               pool Pool-1

            } elseif {[active_members Pool-2] >= 1  } {

                                                      pool Pool-2
                              ASM::enable policy-name



  • i have 2 servers i want to keep forwarding traffic to server1 & in this case ASM should be disabled once server1 is down , i want to forward to server2 & enabel ASM checking if server1 is online again , i should forward to it & disable ASM as it was initially Created VS , Created two pools , each with one pool member under it Below Irule is now working , once ASM is enabled ON VS it is always enabled & never goes disabled again when serevr1 comes back online

    when HTTP_REQUEST {

    Check Pool-1 status , if Up forward to it & make sure ASM is disabled Otherwsie Forward to Pool-2 & enable ASM

    if { [active_members Pool-1] >= 1 } {

                                               pool Pool-1
            } elseif {[active_members Pool-2] >= 1  } {
                                                      pool Pool-2
                              ASM::enable policy-name


  • once ASM is enabled ON VS it is always enabled & never goes disabled again when serevr1 comes back online

    does server1 get traffic (after coming back online)?

    this is my testing and it seems working correctly.

    root@(B11050-R72-S12)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm virtual bar
    ltm virtual bar {
        ip-protocol tcp
        policies {
        profiles {
            http { }
            tcp { }
            websecurity { }
        rules {
        security-log-profiles {
            "Log illegal requests"
        source-address-translation {
            type automap
        vs-index 2
    root@(B11050-R72-S12)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm policy asm_auto_l7_policy__bar
    ltm policy asm_auto_l7_policy__bar {
        controls { asm }
        requires { http }
        rules {
            default {
                actions {
                    1 {
                        policy /Common/bar
                ordinal 1
        strategy first-match
    root@(B11050-R72-S12)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm rule qux
    ltm rule qux {
        when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if { [active_members foo1] > 0 } {
        pool foo1
      } elseif { [active_members foo2] > 0 } {
        ASM::enable /Common/bar
        pool foo2
      } else {
      log local0. "Client=[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] Host=[HTTP::host] URI=[HTTP::uri] Pool=[LB::server pool]"
      log local0. "Client=[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] Host=[HTTP::host] URI=[HTTP::uri] Pool=[LB::server pool]"
    [root@B11050-R72-S12:Active:Standalone] config  tail -f /var/log/ltm
    Dec 20 03:47:06 B11050-R72-S12 info tmm2[21668]: Rule /Common/qux : Client= Host= URI=/first Pool=/Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:16 B11050-R72-S12 info tmm3[21668]: Rule /Common/qux : Client= Host= URI=/second Pool=/Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 notice mcpd[7215]: 01070638:5: Pool /Common/foo1 member /Common/ monitor status down. [ /Common/fake: down ]  [ was unchecked for 0hr:2mins:50sec ]
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm10[21669]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm6[21669]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm2[21668]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm9[21669]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm4[21668]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm5[21668]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm8[21669]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm[21668]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm7[21669]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm3[21668]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm1[21668]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:23 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm11[21669]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:47:26 B11050-R72-S12 info tmm5[21668]: Rule /Common/qux : Client= Host= URI=/third Pool=/Common/foo2
    Dec 20 03:47:26 B11050-R72-S12 info tmm5[21668]: Rule /Common/qux : Client= Host= URI=/third Pool=/Common/foo2
    Dec 20 03:47:56 B11050-R72-S12 info tmm4[21668]: Rule /Common/qux : Client= Host= URI=/fourth Pool=/Common/foo2
    Dec 20 03:47:56 B11050-R72-S12 info tmm4[21668]: Rule /Common/qux : Client= Host= URI=/fourth Pool=/Common/foo2
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 notice mcpd[7215]: 01070638:5: Pool /Common/foo1 member /Common/ monitor status unchecked. [  ]  [ was down for 0hr:0min:37sec ]
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm2[21668]: 01010221:3: Pool /Common/foo1 now has available members
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm[21668]: 01010221:3: Pool /Common/foo1 now has available members
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm5[21668]: 01010221:3: Pool /Common/foo1 now has available members
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm11[21669]: 01010221:3: Pool /Common/foo1 now has available members
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm3[21668]: 01010221:3: Pool /Common/foo1 now has available members
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm4[21668]: 01010221:3: Pool /Common/foo1 now has available members
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm1[21668]: 01010221:3: Pool /Common/foo1 now has available members
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm9[21669]: 01010221:3: Pool /Common/foo1 now has available members
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm6[21669]: 01010221:3: Pool /Common/foo1 now has available members
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm10[21669]: 01010221:3: Pool /Common/foo1 now has available members
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm8[21669]: 01010221:3: Pool /Common/foo1 now has available members
    Dec 20 03:48:00 B11050-R72-S12 err tmm7[21669]: 01010221:3: Pool /Common/foo1 now has available members
    Dec 20 03:48:05 B11050-R72-S12 info tmm7[21669]: Rule /Common/qux : Client= Host= URI=/fifth Pool=/Common/foo1
    Dec 20 03:48:13 B11050-R72-S12 info tmm10[21669]: Rule /Common/qux : Client= Host= URI=/sixth Pool=/Common/foo1
    • nitass's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee
      Sys::Version Main Package Product BIG-IP Version 11.5.1 Build 6.0.159 Edition Hotfix HF6 Date Wed Nov 26 15:08:40 PST 2014
  • Mine is 11.3 sothat i'm using "ASM::enable" without policy name is it a must that i upgrade to 11.5 ?


    • nitass's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee
      i do not think it is a good idea to upgrade without knowing a root cause (upgrade will not help if the problem is not caused by version). have you tried to add irule logging command to see if traffic matches the if-condition correctly?