Forum Discussion

ERLomboy_27803's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 08, 2014

iRule rewrite | URL hiding

Hi Guys,


Have a requirement and I'll try to provide as much details as possible to help understand.


Internet users views web page, and posts web form to: htps://


The 1st F5 (has SSL cert) receives the traffic and sends the request ( including form data, and URL and query string) to the 2nd F5 (without SSL cert, and is managed on a different dmz location) and the 2nd F5 points to webserver: HTTP:// The webserver returns the data to Internet users but the users should still see the URL they visited (htps://


Notes: Different Protocol ( https vs. http) Different Hostname ( vs. Different Port : 443 vs. 8080 everything after the "/help/site1" is passed to the the target webserver. Users\Internet browser should only see "" and NOT the HTTP://


In summary: the user only ever sees the URL:


HTTPS://www.mysite/help/site1/ Note: everything after the “/site1/” could change – and we should account for such a scenario.


But, “end user redirection” – e.g., issuance of an HTTP 300, 301, 302 to the end user browser, should never occur, because we want to shield the end user from the actual destination URL.


Thanks, Edward