Forum Discussion

MDPF5_152674's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Apr 07, 2016

iRule replace HTTP Host header for virtual Host

Hi DevCentral community.


I would like to create an iRule that replaces the HTTP Host header in order to select a virtual host.


(watch out there is APM in place)


Client request:


Host : xxx.test.local


F5 to Server:


Host :


F5 to Client:


Host: xxx.test.local


Version 11


Anyone can help me?


Thanks in advance,


Best Regards,




  • Please, can you confirm that the correct iRule events are: Client to server replace : HTTP_REQUEST Server to client replace: HTTP_RESPONSE Thanks
  • The Host header does not return to the client, so HTTP_RESPONSE does not apply.

    Try this

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if {[HTTP::host] equals "xxx.test.local"} { [HTTP::host] }
  • Try this, it works for me:

    Create a Datagroup partnering Ip + name (SERVER HOST HEADER) from servers you want to load balance.

    After create this, copy this iRule and change "name_datagroup" you have previously created.

      clientside {
          set host_header_value [class match -value [IP::server_addr] equals **name_datagroup**]
            Check if the lookup returned a value
          if {$host_header_value ne ""}{
              Replace the host header value
             HTTP::header replace Host $host_header_value