Forum Discussion

ronaldfaraj_263's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 11, 2016

iRule redirect Domain.

Hi guys,

I was looking for a irule to redirect domain "A" to domain "B". I tried using the following iRule:

   if { [HTTP::host] eq "domainA" } {
   HTTP::redirect "https://domainB[HTTP::uri]"

But this iRule give me this error:

01070088:3: The requested object name (iRule Name) is invalid.

Any idea?

Thanks and regards.

  • Hello,


    I think that you wrongly named your irule. Space are not supported. try something like that irule_name instead


    But the irule content is valid. I have it in production


  • Hello,


    I think that you wrongly named your irule. Space are not supported. try something like that irule_name instead


    But the irule content is valid. I have it in production


    • ronaldfaraj_263's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      You rigth!! I had one space in the iRule Name. Thanks for your answer.
  • Hello,


    I think that you wrongly named your irule. Space are not supported. try something like that irule_name instead


    But the irule content is valid. I have it in production


    • ronaldfaraj_263's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      You rigth!! I had one space in the iRule Name. Thanks for your answer.