Forum Discussion

AlinDXC's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 05, 2020

iRule precedence

I have a question about iRule precedence.

If i assign two(or more) iRules to a VIP , and they both have the same event but with different effects , in what order will the combined iRules be processed by the F5 ? How does it combine the code ? Is it in the order iRules are assigned to VIP ?

  • You and merge two n more to one irule.

    It's depend on the iRule order which you have attached to VIP. Go to VIP --> resources and see iRule order.

    Lets us know if any questions.​

  • See

    The first and most significant factor is the priority that has been assigned to the event. All events default to a priority of 500.

    The second factor used in determining the order of evaluation is the order in which the rule has been assigned to the virtual.


     For events with the same priority, the rule that is listed first on the virtual is evaluated first.