Forum Discussion

John_Masgalas_4's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 30, 2009

iRule modification - rdp

I currently use the below iRule with our Terminal Services pool. It strips everything after the "@" in the username so that the persistence entry is only the username. I would like to modify it so that usernames that are entered in the form "domain\username" are also entered in the table with just the username. In toehr words I weould like the iRule to strip out everything before the "/". How would I do this? Can someone help?












TCP::collect 25


binary scan [TCP::payload] x11a* msrdp


log local0. "Contents after binary scan: $msrdp"


if { [string equal -nocase -length 17 $msrdp "cookie: mstshash="] } {


set msrdp [string range $msrdp 17 end]


set len [string first "\n" $msrdp]


if { $len == -1 } {








if { $msrdp contains "@" } {


if { $len > 5 } {


incr len -1


log local0. "Data Persisting on: [getfield $msrdp "@" 1]"


persist uie [getfield $msrdp "@" 1] 10800




} else { persist uie $msrdp 10800}







17 Replies

  • Thanks for that.

    If the original string has two backslashes, then you'd need to use four for getfield. The first and third slashes escape the second and fourth.

    [getfield $msrdp "\\\\" 2]

    You could try something like this which assumes that the msrdp string won't have both an @ and backslashes. It also handles one backslash:

        if { $msrdp contains "@" } { 
           log local0. "Data Persisting on: [getfield $msrdp "@" 1]" 
           persist uie [getfield $msrdp "@" 1] 10800 
        } elseif { $msrdp contains "\\\\" } { 
           log local0. "Data Persisting on: [getfield $msrdp "\\\\" 2]" 
           persist uie [getfield $msrdp "\\\\" 2] 10800 
        } elseif { $msrdp contains "\\" } { 
           log local0. "Data Persisting on: [getfield $msrdp "\\" 2]" 
           persist uie [getfield $msrdp "\\" 2] 10800 
        } else { 
           persist uie $msrdp 10800 
           log local0. "Data Persisting on: $msrdp" 

  • So how would that incorporate to my entire iRule. Which parts would I keep and which would I change?
  • Can you try this?

     when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { 
     when CLIENT_DATA { 
        TCP::collect 25 
        binary scan [TCP::payload] x11a* msrdp 
        log local0. "Contents after binary scan: $msrdp" 
        if { [string equal -nocase -length 17 $msrdp "cookie: mstshash="] } { 
           set msrdp [string range $msrdp 17 end] 
           set len [string first "\n" $msrdp] 
           if { $len == -1 } { 
           if { $msrdp contains "@" } {  
              log local0. "Data Persisting on: [getfield $msrdp "@" 1]"  
              persist uie [getfield $msrdp "@" 1] 10800  
           } elseif { $msrdp contains "\\\\" } {  
              log local0. "Data Persisting on: [getfield $msrdp "\\\\" 2]"  
              persist uie [getfield $msrdp "\\\\" 2] 10800  
           } elseif { $msrdp contains "\\" } {  
              log local0. "Data Persisting on: [getfield $msrdp "\\" 2]"  
              persist uie [getfield $msrdp "\\" 2] 10800  
           } else {  
              persist uie $msrdp 10800  
              log local0. "Data Persisting on: $msrdp"  

    I'm not sure I understand why the length was being decremented by 1 if $len is greater than 5. Citizen, can you elaborate on this?


  • It seems that with this rule it persists the value but as seperate entries. Also the stripping everything before \ is not creating a persistence table entry. When I ssh to our F5 here is what the output of b persist show all | grep doctest is:



    [root@bigbrother:Active] config b persist show all | grep doctest


    Mode: universal Value: doctest


    Mode: universal Value: doctest


    [root@bigbrother:Active] config




    Here is the log file:


    Feb 6 13:01:45 tmm tmm[31729]: Rule ssotest2 : Contents after binary scan: Cookie: mstshash=doctest


    Feb 6 13:01:45 tmm tmm[31729]: Rule ssotest2 : Data Persisting on: doctest


    Feb 6 13:02:31 tmm tmm[31729]: Rule ssotest2 : Contents after binary scan: Cookie: mstshash=doctest@Summithealth.local


    Feb 6 13:02:31 tmm tmm[31729]: Rule ssotest2 : Data Persisting on: doctest


    Feb 6 13:05:54 tmm tmm[31729]: Rule ssotest2 : Contents after binary scan: Cookie: mstshash=chbghosp\


    Feb 6 13:05:54 tmm tmm[31729]: Rule ssotest2 : Data Persisting on:




  • @Hoolio, if I recall correctly the len variable includes the "=", so it is decremented to remove the additional character that would otherwise be included in the persist string.
  • Hey guys,


    I got it to work. Here is the iRule as I have it:









    when CLIENT_DATA {



    TCP::collect 25



    binary scan [TCP::payload] x11a* msrdp


    log local0. "Contents after binary scan: $msrdp"



    if { [string equal -nocase -length 17 $msrdp "cookie: mstshash="] } {



    set msrdp [string range $msrdp 17 end]


    set len [string first "\n" $msrdp]


    if { $len == -1 } {








    if { $msrdp contains "@" } {


    log local0. "Setting data to: [getfield $msrdp "@" 1]"


    set username [getfield $msrdp "@" 1]


    } elseif { $msrdp contains "\\" } {


    log local0. "Setting data to: [getfield $msrdp "\\" 3]"


    set username [getfield $msrdp "\\" 3]


    } else {


    set username $msrdp


    log local0. "Setting data to: $msrdp"




    set finalusername [string tolower $username]


    set finalusername [string trim $finalusername]


    log local0. "User Being Persisted is: |$finalusername|"


    persist uie $finalusername 10800










    The only thing is that 9 character limit. I know this is an MS TS limitation but is ther a way around it. Thanks for all your input and help though. You have steered my in the right direction!
  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    Hi all, thought I'd add something to the mix here, mainly for information purposes in case anyone else is in my boat - although if anyone does have a nugget of info then that would be great.



    I'm on LTM v9.0.x - thought this iRule would save the day but doesn't look like it works with this old code. Out of the 3 possible login situations username, and domain\username, the only one it worked for was the login type. The other 2 produced 2 persistence entries for one login and looking as follows: either username r??!???? or domain r??!??? (or some gobbledigook like that). In addition the persistence was not 100%.



    One day I'll be given shiny new v10 appliances......until then.


