Forum Discussion

ask_me_anytime_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 12, 2009

irule Link Controller and ISP balancing




I'm trying to write an irule in which Link Controller uses one ISP (say ISP1 )at a time when the bandwidth is below a certain value(say 1mbps)


-and when the bandwitdh reaches the threshold value , I want Link Controller to redirect outbound traffic to disable ISP1 and redirects all users ISP2.



I'm trying to do like this for my outbound connection :





if { [BANDWIDTH] > 1mbps } {


pool default_gateway_pool member ISP1


} else {


pool default_gateway_pool member ISP2







if you have any idea how to implement that irule ,please share..



thank you,
  • Why use an iRule and not just the bandwidth limits built into the "Links" configuration section?