Forum Discussion

newf5learner_13's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 15, 2017

irule for URI based redirection and to the pool..


I'm looking for a short irule that helps in two ways.

  1. URI redirection
  2. Host based pool selection

I currently have two irules, I'm looking for one combined irule that serves the purpose.

Host to pool selection:

  switch -glob [ string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
  "" { pool page3_https_pool }
  "" { pool devpage3_https_pool }
  default { HTTP::respond 404 noserver }

URI based redirection:

    if {[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/ClientService/BI-Integration/"} { 
        switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
            "" {HTTP::redirect "/clientapp[HTTP::uri]"}

Can someone help me with a irule that gives me the combined features of both. I don't like to use two separate irules on the same VIP, so checking if there is any better option.

  • Hi,


    Just rearranging the code a bit may answer the question:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        switch -glob [ string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
            "" { 
                    if {[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/ClientService/BI-Integration/"} {
                        HTTP::redirect "/clientapp[HTTP::uri]"
                    else {pool page3_https_pool }
            "" { pool devpage3_https_pool }
            default { HTTP::respond 404 noserver }