Forum Discussion

Nath's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jun 14, 2017

Irule for reselecting pool members if still use

Hi experts is there a chance where an iRule will reselect pool members if the current pool member is using?


Example Poolmember1:100 Poolmember2:200 Poolmember3:300


If the client connects to Poolmember1:100 succeeding connections shouldnt be in poolmember1.


  • Can you elaborate a bit more on your problem and expected outcome? I can't tell if you're trying to accomplish only a single active connection per pool member, or are trying to specify something particular with the load balancing method.


  • If your goal is to send successive connection from the same IP to the previously selected pool member, you can utilize some kind of persistence.


    If your goal is to send successive connection from the different source IP to the previously selected pool member, have you tried using destination persistence ? I have never tried it but I would recommend it for testing. You can also try and use some kind of priority group where all connections go to a single pool member.


  • Nath's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Hi All this is closed already, we just connection limit I forgot that bigip has this functionality.