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Oct 01, 2020

irule for request and response



Looking to irule a request and response header edit for


So, that when user inputs , request is sent to server as


Anything input into y as a string is request to server.


I have created this:



 if { [HTTP::path] equals "/x/y" }{ 

  HTTP::redirect "/y/"




This returns above irule . but, the ask is to add x back to the response and return to the user.


The parts I am working on now are the response edit and how to use the string input by the user - y - to reflect anything. Similarly, to x when responding back.


  • So, I got some direction...


    Here are the three possible paths : 






    Each could have another resource behind the initial path i.e. /x/ping or /x/file or z/path or z/box.


    The other resource /ping or /file or /path or /box is what I don't know will be called but needs to be requested to the server and /x, /y, or /z needs to be edited out and only the second resource needs to be sent to server.  


    So user puts in /x/ping and /ping gets request to server.  


    Similarly, when the response is sent back the first resource needs to be added back. As in if we called /x/ping, x would be add back from the server that only was called /ping.


    So.. all that written, let me see how to apply the below with x.  


    when HTTP_REQUEST {

      if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/x/1" } {

        #Comment:The string map is used to replace the uri value from /uri/1 to /uri/2.   

        HTTP::uri [string map {"/x/1/" "/x/2"} [HTTP::uri]]

        pool pool_x



    when HTTP_RESPONSE {

      if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/x/2" } {

        HTTP::uri [string map {"/x/2/" "/x/1"} [HTTP::uri]]




    So, with the three first resources - x, y, z - and this all being one virtual server, would I just create three irules and apply them all to the one virtual server?  


    Happy Irulz Friday.