Forum Discussion

Khuongt_50925's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 04, 2008

iRule error invoked from SSL - "unknown error"

I have the following iRULE:





if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/admin"}{


pool test_admin


} elseif { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/staging/" } {


pool test_staging


} else {


SSL::disable serverside


pool test_stng


if { [HTTP::uri] equals "/" } {


HTTP::redirect ""










I get the following error:


tmm tmm[23243]: 01220001:3: TCL error: Rule test_irule - Unknown error (line 6) invoked from within "SSL::disable serverside"



Can someone please point out what is wrong with my iRule? Thanks.
  • it seems there is a known issue :



    Known Issue



    In a serverssl-only (i.e. no clientside ssl) setup, the SSL::disable command will not be processed correctly in serverside events. This issue is tracked as CR83395. It can be worked around by calling SSL::disable in a clientside event with the "serverside" parameter (i.e. "SSL::disable serverside").



    Check the bottom of this page:


    Click here
  • The original rule shows SSL::disable serverside being called from a clientside event, so according to SOL9065, this shouldn't be a problem. I couldn't find any other issues with SSL::disable serverside being used in HTTP_REQUEST.



    Maybe you could open a case with F5 Support to find out whether there is another known issue with this command.



  • Can you show us the configuration of your Virtual server, pool (/config/bigip.conf)?


