Forum Discussion

Brett_Channon_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 05, 2007

iRule Editor and 9.4 Admin partitions.

Hi guys..



Any plans in the pipeline to update the iRule editor so that a user can see/edit iRules in partitions other than the common one?








  • Hi Joe.



    We are setting up our entire environment based on partitions, so we really need this functionality ;-)





    Lars Terje
  • I just posted a new version with Partition support. Look for the Partition menu in the File menu.



    Let me know if you find any issues with it.



  • It looks good.



    One thing though. A user with role Manager for a partition is not able to save. I think this is because you are saving the system configuration every time you click save. I think it is enough just to do "DoSaveNode(tn)" if you do changes to other partitions than "Common" (but I'm not sure :-))





    Lars Terje
  • Hi Joe,



    We are still seeing this issue with (screenshot attached). The iRule does actually save however.. any plans to fix this bug?






  • I guess it needs to be decided whether this is a bug or not. If you are a Manager you don't have access to save the configuration. Early on it was requested that save to iRules are persisted to disk and that can only be done with a save_configuration() call. I guess I could add another menu option to save the configuration to disk and make it configurable on whether an auto save occurs. I guess this would make sense and still allow those who want auto-save and are running with a role that allows it the ability to do so.



    Does that behavior sound good to you?



  • I believe that would work.. although, the iRules are being saved even with Manager access.
  • Yes, they are getting saved to the runtime (in memory) configuration. This will not persist across reboots unless an explicit config save is issues to flush the configuration to disk.
  • Ahhh got ya. In this case, an option to save to disk would definitely be helpful.