Forum Discussion

Grayson_149410's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 22, 2015

iRule 301 Redirect using Wildcard

We are currently running Sharepoint to host our public website. When the user types in the URL gets updated to This also applies to all other sites within it like (with several other flavors).

What I want is an iRule that will see if the user is going to Then change it to a HTTP respond 301 and to lower all strings. So instead of seeing they will get

Here is an irule that I have tried and does the 301 part, but it always implies the site is just I want to a /* somehow so that any site it sees, it lowers it and does a 301 redirect. here is my curreny rule.

switch [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
    "" {
        HTTP::respond 301 Location "[HTTP::uri]"

I want it to see if it is and if so anything added past the / when it gets added to the particular link it recognizes it.

  • How about this?

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        if {[HTTP::status] == 302}{
            HTTP::respond 301 Location "[string tolower [HTTP::header Location]]"

9 Replies

  • I assume your SharePoint site is issuing the responses with uppercase characters? A redirect may not work for what your are trying to accomplish. Are you just trying to make it so a URLs that show up in the browser are all lower case? If that's the case a stream profile for the response may be the best solution.
  • Yes, but I also want it to do 301 redirect instead of a 302. I tried the iRule you posted before you deleted it, but just cased a huge loop.
  • How about this?

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        if {[HTTP::status] == 302}{
            HTTP::respond 301 Location "[string tolower [HTTP::header Location]]"
    • Grayson_149410's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I was wondering what would I need to do to find another http status? Some of the sites use 200 requests and would like to make it and if this or if that.
  • How about this?

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        if {[HTTP::status] == 302}{
            HTTP::respond 301 Location "[string tolower [HTTP::header Location]]"
    • Grayson_149410's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I was wondering what would I need to do to find another http status? Some of the sites use 200 requests and would like to make it and if this or if that.