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Ido_Katz_38061's avatar
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Aug 24, 2010

IP Conflict?!

Hi Guys,



I just looked in the F5 log and I saw this error:



Aug 24 07:13:29 local/tmm warning tmm[6300]: 01190004:4: address conflict detected for {ip address} (00:1b:21:15:b1:44) on vlan 4091




and there is no such IP address anymore except on the F5 (which own this ip address)



Any suggestions?



  • Posted By Ido Katz on 08/24/2010 08:56 AM


    I did the arp -a but I got no match found, what does grep do?



    If arp -a outputs multiple lines, piping it to grep allows you to output only the matching lines. If the issue isn't still logging, I'd probably ignore it...doesn't seem like the F5 knows about it...
  • How much time does the grep takes? I did it 3 minutes ago but he is still in progress
  • Wow. How big is that subnet? or what? Seriously though, if you haven't seen the error log recently it has probably aged out of the arp cache and you don't need to worry about it.
  • Posted By Ido Katz on 08/24/2010 09:14 AM


    and if I need to ignore it, how can I make this error go away?



    I wouldn't ignore it unless it doesn't happen again. If it continues to show up, you should look into.
  • trace that mac in your layer2 infrastructure and find out what port it is being learned on. That will lead you to the offending party.
  • Not sure if this can help someone - have just seen something similar. For us the address conflict seen on an LB HA pair was caused by a disabled virtual server on another standalone load balancer on the same VLAN. After deleting the disabled VS from the other LB, the log entries no longer appear.


    tmm[5861]01190004address conflict detected for (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) on vlan XXX


  • remember you can to delete the virtual address.


    Local traffic >> virtual servers >> virtual address list