Forum Discussion

Mchelle_181998's avatar
Aug 17, 2017

IP being SNATed

I have a web page that has a poll question. When user answers the poll question the poll.cgi records the users IP. Stat Reports are then ran on these stored IP addresses. We are migrating this web server over to Linux server and using F5 Switch.


What is happening now is when user answer the poll question the IP that is getting stored is not the users it is the F5. I have the pool using Automap. How to I get the F5 (12.1.1) to store the users IP address?


  • Hello,


    If it is a HTTP web application, you can add the header "X-Forwarded-For".


    The F5 will insert the client IP addr to this header and the web server will be able to read it.


    Check this article :



    Please give us a feedback

