Forum Discussion

rodan22_200096's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 30, 2015

Invalid Action EV_PASSTHRU - Illegal Argument HTTP::disable

I have an irule that is causing some issues:


rule VARWEB_HTTPS_rule { when HTTP_RESPONSE { HTTP::disable } }


Reviewing the log file shows:


local/tmm1 err tmm1[5088]: 011f0007:3: http_process_state_early_100continue - Invalid action EV_PASSTHRU during ST_HTTP_EARLY_100CONTINUE (Server side: vip=VARWEB_HTTPS_virt profile=http pool=VARWEB_HTTPS_pool)


local/tmm1 err tmm1[5088]: 01220001:3: TCL error: VARWEB_HTTPS_rule - Error: Illegal argument (line 1) invoked from within "HTTP::disable"


Any ideas on what could cause these errors? I am new to using F5's...


  • This is bug ID357536. Many HTTP state-changing iRule commands didn't work in early server responses. This is fixed in 11.5.0


  • sfuerst_116779's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    This is bug ID357536. Many HTTP state-changing iRule commands didn't work in early server responses. This is fixed in 11.5.0