Forum Discussion

marcusserrao_38's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 27, 2019

Internet access VS allows only DNS resolution from internal node and no HTTP access

Hi, I'm very new to the F5 and it's been ages since I configured any network device. I have a BIG-IP F5 VE 13.1.1-0.0.4 with VM workstation laptop lab environment. I'm trying to configure the F5 to allow a Windows 10 workstation on an internal network ( attached to host-only VMnet2) to connect to the internet over HTTP. All I've been able to accomplish is that I can successfully do an nslookup to any external domain (,, etc.) from my Win10 client. I cannot however browse over HTTP.


Here is my network top:


The external interface network is attached to the NAT VMnet8. On the F5 I setup a default gateway set to the IP address of VMnet8 (


I have set up a VS as follows:


And here is my self-IP config information, VM NIC configuration. Any help? thanks, Marcus


  • small correction in the network diagram. VMnet adapter 2 (external) is supposed to be VMnet8.