Forum Discussion

  • Hi Joseph,


    This is what I received from F5 support after opening a case with them...


    We are still working on developing a hotfix that will support Windows 8.1 / IE 11 for Firepass 6.x and 7.x. The bug number id is 431147. Unfortunately at this time there is no official release date set for this hotfix but it should be soon (there is talk of a one week timeframe but I can't guarantee anything).


    This answer was provided on 11/22/2013. I just looked on the download site and I don't see anything new so hopefully they will have something soon because a lot of people have been forced to upgrade to IE 11 and support calls will just keep rolling in.




    Seth Cooper


  • DLP's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Still nothing on the download site and my customers are beginning to sound a bit disappointed in us telling them to use Firefox instead. Any news shared here by F5 would be greatly appreciated!




    David La Porta


  • Still no news... I opened a new ticket. They said to open a request to be attached to RFE 439391. If you would also open a support request and ask that it be attached then hopefully they will help us out.




  • DLP's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    I cannot seem to open a ticket with F5 myself, we normally do this through our F5 supplier. I will however ask my supplier to open a ticket and refer to RFE 439391.


    This is taking too long. Even my old (5+ years) Barracuda SSL-VPN accepts IE11. To put it mildly, I'm quite unhappy with how F5 handles this IE11 issue.


    Regards, David La Porta


  • There is a simple workaround for this until the hotfix is released.


    As long as the machine with the updated version of IE already has the F5 components installed, all you have to do is add the VPN site to the Compatibility View Settings within the browser.


  • According to and there are only 8 months left to develop software for IE11 because after 01. October 2014 there is the "End of New Software Support (EoNSS)".


    Is that assumption correct?


    Cheers Thomas


    • KRR_arg_50293's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Yes, that assumption is correct. It might be that in this extraordinary case, F5 has shoved development under the carpet due to the short time frame for which F5's Firepass is relevant and is postponing it until they can publicly announce that due to EoNSS IE11 support will not be developed. This sounds very far-fetched - even to me(!) - but unfortunately my experiences and feelings of talking to F5 so far supports this. The IE11/Win8.1 "Compatibility Mode" workaround option is still working fairly well for myself and all of my customers. I have even been able to fully install the client (read: ActiveX plug-in) to every newly installed PC I have come across, so I do not consider this a major issue anymore, just extremely time consuming and therefore unnecessarily annoying.
  • Hello KRR_arg,


    well you could be right.


    You are talking of the IE11/Win8.1 "Compatibility Mode". In IE pressing F12 for the developer mode, what did you select under "Browser Mode" and "Document Mode" to get the plug-in working? We are interested in getting the "Dynamic Tunnels" and RDP working.


    Cheers Thomas


    Postscript: Well since yesterday under we got this:


    "The FirePass controller does not support Microsoft Windows 8.1, and F5 has no future plans to add support for Windows 8.1. However, F5 will support Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7 and Windows 8 in an upcoming maintenance release of the FirePass controller."


    Is this statement new?


    • KRR_arg_50293's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Dear Thomas 02, I have not used Developer Mode yet. So far the "Compatibility View" (CV) option is clearly visible in the settings (cogwheel) menu from Internet Explorer 11. If your Firepass domain is "" simply add "" to the compatibility list. This has allowed me to both use Firepass (with the latest hotfixes) and install the plug-in both under Win7 and Win8.1. I hope this helps you somewhat along the way. I cannot tell whether the CV option is mandatory with all IE11 installations or not. Hopefully it is and you can find it with ease. Ref. your kb link, I too would love to know if this is a "new" or "same old" statement. Kind regards, K_a
  • Hi KRR_arg,


    you're right, it works at least on one computer at home and on computer at work. On another one at work it did not work in the past.


    1. Open Internet Explorer, click Tools, click Compatibility View settings
    2. In Compatibility View Settings box, add the website URL, click Add.

    More on


    Cheers Thomas