Forum Discussion

inshaff_257695's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 06, 2016

ICAP Method

Hi, wondering if someone can help me with the following;


Our storage device only support currently doesn’t support REQMOD so we need f5 to send ICAP scan requests using RESPMOD..


I have tried the following iRule but keep getting an error when trying to save the irule (01070151:3: Rule [/Common/ICAP_Method] error: /Common/ICAP_Method:2: error: [wrong args][ICAP::method RESPMOD])




Can someone help with the irule?


many thanks


  • Hello. We dont actually support changing the method like that. ICAP::method is meant to look up the value but not change or set it. It is currently in talks to see about adding the ability to change/set the method but we are not able to do that as of yet.


    Hope that helps!


  • Colin_Rogers_17's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hello. We dont actually support changing the method like that. ICAP::method is meant to look up the value but not change or set it. It is currently in talks to see about adding the ability to change/set the method but we are not able to do that as of yet.


    Hope that helps!