Forum Discussion

don_23889's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 02, 2015

iApp error folder already exists error: 01020037:3:

Product BIG-IP Version 11.4.1 Build 635.0 Edition Hotfix HF2 Name BIG-IP 8950S


I've been working with iApp's for about the last year and have written a few templates, leveraged for automated builds. The following such command is executed to deploy an iAPP VIP & Pool. This template has been used for 100s of iAPPs, without issue.


In this case (which is not unique);


  • The VMWare orchestrator built an instance on the bigip.
  • At some time, the instance was removed.
  • Then, the instance was targeted for re-deploy...and fails.

tmsh create /sys application service tables add { pool_choices__servers { column-names { addr port } rows { {row{ 11400}}{row{ 11410}}{row{ 11400}}{row{ 11410}} } } } template tomcat_lb variables add { pool_choices__monitor_name { value /Common/mon_msp_traffic_control } vip_choices__addr { value } }


error: 01020037:3: The requested folder (/Common/ already exists.


I have parsed the bigip.conf file and can find no existing reference to "" I have no idea why its failing, and am hoping someone can provide some feedback.


  • In tmsh try list /sys folder while in the /Common partition to see if the iApp folder is in the running config.


  • after some more digging ... turns out some orphan objects persisted in bigip_base.conf


    That was unexpected... and not sure why these persisted after using


    tmsh delete sys application application service


    anyway .. I think its solved. - Regards