Forum Discussion

Shailesh's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 12, 2020

I rule for maintenance page

Hi Team,


Need assistance to fix an I rule. Below are the requirements:

1) If VS works fine then any traffic matching URI " N=197" & "Nrpp=25 "needs to re-directed as usual.

2) When all the Pool members are down " N=197" URI need to re-direct to ABC maintenance page and URI "Nrpp=25 " needs to be redirected to XYZ URL


I have tried with few I-rules but not getting expected response. I am not able to re-direct to maintenance pages for both the URI's.


My I-rule:



  if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] == 0 && [[HTTP::uri] contains "N=197"] } {

   HTTP::redirect ""


elseif { [active_members [LB::server pool]] == 0 && [[HTTP::uri] contains "Nrpp=25"] } {

   HTTP::redirect ""




or I-rule :

when HTTP_REQUEST {   

  if { ( [[active_members [LB::server pool]]] < 1 ) & & ( [[HTTP::uri] contains "N=197"] ) } {    

   HTTP::redirect ""


elseif { ( [[active_members [LB::server pool]]] < 1 ) & & ( [[HTTP::uri] contains "Nrpp=25"] ) } {    

   HTTP::redirect ""



  • Hi Shailesh,

    Can you try this iRule and look logs?

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] < 1 } {
    		log local0. "All members down. URI=[HTTP::uri]"
    		switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
    			"*n=197*" { HTTP::redirect "" }
    			"*nrpp=25*" { HTTP::redirect "" }
  • Thanks a lot for the response, this I-rule did fix the problem.