Forum Discussion

mnabih80_221446's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 11, 2015




I was able to configure linerate as reverse proxy and replicate HTTP traffice and it works greart but now i need to replicate HTTPS traffice but HTTPS traffice didnt pass from line rate to the real server ..


could you please help me with that its really critical?




  • It looks like there are two things you need to modify here in your config:

    1. setting the service types to HTTP from TCP on all VIPs/VSs/RSs
    2. configure the virtual server VIPs to be defaults

    Here is a summary of what you will need to update in the configuration. Keep in mind, you will need to admin-offline these items before being able to change service type.

    virtual-server vsSecondary
    attach virtual-ip vipSecondary default
    virtual-server vsSecondary1 
    service http
    attach virtual-ip vipsecondary1 default
    real-server rss-rep1 
    service http
    virtual-ip vipsecondary1
    service http
    virtual-server Webssilo1 
    attach virtual-ip vipsweb1 default

    Doing this, I was able to replicate your configuration and successfully pass traffic to the original servers and replication servers for both HTTP and HTTPS. This should get you up and running, too.

    • Andrew_Ragone_2's avatar
      Historic F5 Account
      Information on how to backup configuration can be found here: Information on how to restore configuration can be found here:
  • Thanks Andrew for your patience i'm really appreciatr your amazing help..i will try and confirm you.


    Thanks again


  • Hello Andrew ,


    sorry i came again with two requests .


    I noticed that at the replicated server , 1 request appear as two requests however it was appear as 1 request before. as below example - - [28/Sep/2015:05:43:58 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 301 234 - - [28/Sep/2015:05:43:58 -0700] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 301 245


    also if i need to get the traffic with users IP not linerate IP what should i do please .


    • Andrew_Ragone_2's avatar
      Historic F5 Account
      I'm not exactly sure what your first question might be. Can you explain more detail about 1) what your expectations are and 2) what differs from this? There should be two requests that originate out of the LineRate instance with the AB replication script installed. Second, the best way to pass through the client's original IP address is to use the X-Forwarded-For header. Here's a great article from my colleague Satoshi that details how to use this:
  • Thanks Andrew for your fast responce , we can neglect the first issue but the second one could you please let me know what should i do to allow client IP . i checked the article but actually i'm not professional in linerate and don't know what should i do exactly . i'm sorry if i'm annoying you with my requests .




    • Andrew_Ragone_2's avatar
      Historic F5 Account
      Basically, you need to add the following line to your "virtual server object".on('request') callback function, ideally at the beginning: servReq.addHeader('X-Forwarded-For', servReq.connection.remoteAddress);
    • mnabih80_221446's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      i think the simple way is to add client ip header at the linerate manager but i tried 'X-Forwarded-For' or x-client-ip or clientip but it didn't work
  • i think the simple way is to add client ip header at the linerate manager but i tried 'X-Forwarded-For' or x-client-ip or clientip but it didn't work


    also when i start to add my production server [Apache server] as real server https requests gives me "Status 502 Bad Gateway" however i added another IIS server and it works great. is there any additional configuration ?