Forum Discussion

  • Check out this post where someone was selecting pool members based on the requested URI.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
        "/uri_1" { pool poolname member 443 }
        "/uri_2" { pool poolname member 443 }
        default { pool default_pool_name }
    • ajemery9_179076's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks for the info, I was actually able to get this to work using a policy.
    • Josh_B_152229's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      It's encouraging for me to hear that you are able to use a policy for this. I gave up on using policies at all after walking through [SOL14996]( on a WebEx with F5 support and it completely failing to work at all.
  • Keep in mind you must be terminating the SSL connection to be able to see the URI.


  • there shouldn't be an irule specific for HTTPS (but should/can be the same for HTTP and HTTPS Virtual Servers). The VS is specific for HTTPS (port, client ssl profile). The iRule is then applied to the specific VS.