Forum Discussion

swo0sh_gt_13163's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Sep 12, 2013

HTTP Response Chunking - Real time example?

Hello folks!


Could anyone of you please spend a minute or more to elaborate the real time example of HTTP Response Chunking. I have had referred the following article for clear understanding about the concept.


However cannot imagine in which case it can be useful? Some realtime example?


Regards, Darshan


  • is the principle / use of chunking unclear? or why you would want change the chunking method?
  • Dear Boneyard, Basically we are F5's partner in UAE and got this case reported by our of the customers. However I'd manage to answer them, but wanted to understand in which cases server uses "Transfer-Encoding: chunked". Some uses cases and advantages/disadvantages of this header.
  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    Here's one example I have on hand:
  • for example:




  • Absolutely makes sense Boneyard! Thank you very much for sharing the useful resource to understand the concept.


    Appreciate your help.


    Cheers! Darshan