Forum Discussion

craig_lee10_177's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 22, 2013

http profile and Microsoft Report Builder



I’ve been troubleshooting an issue with a virtual server. It seems that when I enable the standard http profile and try accessing Microsoft reporting services through the VIP the connection doesn’t work and errors. However when it’s turned off it works fine. Anyone had this issue before as I need to try keep the http profile on this virtual server as I have an irule associated with this that is looking for http headers.



  • I'm not familiar with this application but can I suggest you run a tcpdump with and without the profile assigned. This should give you a good insight into what's wrong.



    Also, what version are you running and exactly what errors are you seeing?
  • Hi


    After looking at the two packets captures again with fresh eyes, it looks like the backend web server wasn’t getting the submitted post request when the http profile was enabled, after some research I used


    Colin Walker’s {[HTTP::method] eq "POST"} example to resolve my issue!!



  • Hmmm. So something in the iRule logic was preventing the POST from getting there? Have you used the HTTP::method check to skip some of it?