Forum Discussion

jbattisti_25413's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 12, 2016

HTTP monitor shows nodes unknown(enabled)

Hello, I am using the 90 day evaluation license and am just learning the device and am running into some issue. I have created 3 web servers and have them connecting via internal VLAN. I have created a health monitor in a pool using http but the web servers show offline. If I use gateway_icmp or create a monitor using http, get/ http/1.1, I show the pool is available.


I can connect to each webserver via its IP address and get the webpage displayed in the browser. If I create a virtual server using service port 80, I show it is available (enabled under status. I can ping the address of the virtual server from my PC, but if I try a web browser port 80 to the address, I get web page is not available.


I have tried turning off the firewall and antivirus with no success. I am lost at this point and if anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it. Thanks.


  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Two things. To answer your first query, the default http monitor uses http version 0.9 so it might be that the webserver is rejecting this old http version. If you construct a http 1.1 monitor it sounds u have more success.


    On your second point, if the pool us Up and the VS too then what is the webserver's default gateway? Does return traffic to the client go back via hr bigip ie it's inline? If you then try using SNAT Automap in your VS config. This changes the source address to be the bigip.


    Hope this helps,

