Forum Discussion

MXXB80_363717's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 07, 2018

HTTP Monitor sends multiple requests with F5 in cluster

We have configured a HTTPS custom monitor to check a particular URL in the application, the problem is that our production environment has 4 F5 Big-IPs configured in cluster, we are facing a situation where each node of the cluster sends HTTP request to monitor the web servers so with a configured Interval of 10 seconds, we are actually reeving 4 HTTP calls every 10 seconds and not only one every 10 seconds as we would expect.


Does anyone know if this is the default behavior for F5 and /or is there a way to have only 1 call every 10 seconds even if the F5 is in a cluster?


Thank you


  • I confirm it is the default behavior.


    each cluster member monitor all pool members with it's self IP. there is not pool members status synchronization between cluster members.