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ben_stokes_8749's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 12, 2009

http health monitor help




I'm trying to configure an http health monitor. My app using port 8080 and the app behind the F5 is Sun Glassfish server 2.1 (java based webservices). I've tried quite a few things already and I guess have come to a brick wall.



If I create a new http health monitor, simply specifying "GET /" in the send string and nothing in the receive string, my nodes are marked as down even though I am able to browse to http://mynode:8080/ and see content on the page.



If I open an ssh session to the F5, and use 'telnet mynode 8080', it connects but as soon as I start typing "GET", the telnet session is terminated. I think this is the reason the health monitor is failing. The app server is ending the http connection as it is not behaving 'normally'.



For the moment I have configured a tcp monitor to check if port 8080 is open, but in our testing environment I have found a node in the pool can crash and it is not marked as down, because port 8080 is still open.



Is there something I can do to 'trick' my app servers into thinking the F5 is a real browsing session? Or is there a better way to do this?



  • Have tried looking at the samples section of the site. Specifically the advance monitoring. (Click here). to see a list monitoring.


    I hope this helps,


  • Here are some additional ideas:




