Forum Discussion

Scott123456789's avatar
Mar 28, 2017

HTTP Analytics causing problem with Project Server 2013

I have a few small SharePoint Project Server 2013 farms (some test, some production). I have relatively new F5s (moving off older F5s). The old F5s didn't have AVR provisioned. I provisioned it on the new F5s and I have a custom HTTP Analytics profile that I'd like to use. I've attached a screen shot of the statistics that I have configured it to gather.


It was recently brought to my attention that if you go into the web interface of Project Center (as opposed to going through the Project client) and open any project, click on the Project Details--> click edit. Then once in the edit mode --> click save. I get error: Project out of Date. This project has been updated in another session and the current data may no longer be valid. Refresh the page to see the most current data for the project. Clicking refresh and then trying to save it again just gives the same error over and over.


After attempting the change many settings to figure out what was causing this, I eventually removed the HTTP Analytics profile and the problem fixed. I put it back and the problem came back. Confirmed this on test and production farms. For the life of me, I cannot understand why an Analytics profile would cause this problem.


Any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated because I'd like to use the Analytics module.


  • Hi,


    Page load time option insert JavaScript which can generate issues with sharepoint.


    Disable this option may resolv your problem