Forum Discussion

schusb's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 03, 2018

How to update a "Parent Policy" via a "Policy Template" ?

The Policy Summary view in ASM v13 shows the name of the Policy Template for Security- as well for Parent Policies. It seems to be just for informational purposes, or is there a way to change the Parent Policy settings according to a modified Policy Template without replacing the wohle policy manually?


  • To clarify a bit: Parent policies ONLY exist for the purpose of creating child (security) policies which can inherit the settings of the parent. Templates (Comprehensive, Fundamental, OWA, etc.) exist in parallel to Parent policies. If a template is modified, the modification does not affect policies created from it in the past. If a Parent is modified, then that modification will propagate to all its child policies based on inheritance rules.


  • Hello,


    Once the policy is deployed, it is independent of its template. If you modify parent template, the changes do not apply to the policy deployed with this template.


    The only way to change Policy is to Reconfigure policy with modified template (you will lost your custom policy) or to change manually your policy...


    Hope that help you. Regards,