Forum Discussion

Jacob_Creech_33's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 30, 2017

How to replicate UDP traffic to a QA environment.

I am new to the F5 community so my apologies if this question has been asked. I am currently using a trial subscription for this POC. I have live UDP traffic coming in on 5 different ports that I want to replicate this traffic to test and QA servers. So at this point, I have the LTM installed and license and now need some guidance on what I will need to do next. I have made it through lesson 3 on the training videos but these videos seem to be more geared to load balancing and not complete traffic replication.


So I have at this point 2 environments Production and QA. So I want Production to work as its does now by receiving UDP packets and when these packets have been written to a database table it will send an ACK back to the device for successful transmission and the device will then delete that UDP packet and not try to send it again.


Now for the QA environment, I want it to work the same way but not have the ACK sent back to the device.


Any help or guidance will be much appreciated.


  • Hi,


    If you just want to copy the traffic igressing a virtual server (which I think what you're trying to do) then using a clone pool might help.


    If those 5 different ports are referenced by different virtual servers, you could use the same clone pool setting under each virtual server to replicate your traffic to.


    Since you only want to capture the client side traffic, using the clone pool (client) setting should do it.


    Take a look at this solution article for more info:


  • Did you made it work? If yes can you place share the irules, i am in same situation whete i have udp traffic coming to several different ports.


  • Yes i tried that solution, but it is working only when i give specific port number(in service port field) for pool members, it is not working when i give port as 0 (to accept traffic on all ports), do you have any solution to make it work for multiple ports?