Forum Discussion

Kupauw_233756's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 14, 2018

How to remove 1 line from a virtual server config with REST

I have a virtual server where i want to add or remove irules with the push of a button. It is easy to add the irule with a POST command but removing this specific irule gets a lot trickier when there are more irules attached to this specific virtual server.

To remove it i now send a PATCH or PUT command to with the following body:

But clearly this removes all the rules from the vip. Is it possible to only remove the rules i just added to the vip?

  • I'm kinda positive that there's no method for that. Its like none or the items you include.


    For none


    • "rules": [""]

    for Multiples


    • "rules": ["/Common/rule1", "/Common/rule2"]