Forum Discussion

____177053's avatar
Sep 20, 2017

How to limit http request rate

I wants to limit http request rate for some of URIs such as "/a" "/b" "/c",and I wrote one but it didn't work:   when HTTP_REQUEST { set start_time [clock seconds] set reqs_sec 0 if { [HTTP::reque...
  • ____177053's avatar
    Sep 20, 2017

    This one works! when HTTP_REQUEST {

    set lrqst 10
    set ltime 10
    set rtime 5
    if {[table lookup -notouch -subtable "blacklist" [HTTP::uri]] != "" }{
        log local0.warn "reject"
    elseif { [table lookup -notouch -subtable "clientxdlist" [HTTP::uri]] == "" }{
        table set -subtable "clientxdlist" [HTTP::uri] 1 indefinite $ltime
    elseif { [table lookup -notouch -subtable "clientxdlist" [HTTP::uri]] < $lrqst}{
        table incr -subtable "clientxdlist" [HTTP::uri]
    else {
        table set -subtable "blacklist" [HTTP::uri] 1 indefinite $rtime
