Forum Discussion

whithajess_1787's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 21, 2015

How to get the applications Assigned to a Web Acceleration Profile? (Possible API Bug)

I am trying to work out the applications a specific web acceleration profile are connected to.

I am using the soap interface (ruby gem)

When I make a get_application request from Soap Documentation:


I get an empty response object:


I would expect this to contain


Verification (Profile is connected)

I can confirm that this profile is connected to an app (by looking for it from the app):




NB: This does not help me as if you apply a profile to an app after creation the path is

so running
on the app path will return 0 results even though there is a caching profile assigned.

  • quite strange, i have done the some parsing (using python) for the usecase where you have an iapp inside a partition. When parsing here is the result :

    List of Existing Partition
    List of Existing WebAcceleration Profiles in /
    profile - /Common/optimized-caching
    profile - /Common/webacceleration
    profile - /test1/
    List of Existing WebAcceleration Profiles in /Common
    profile - /Common/optimized-caching
    profile - /Common/webacceleration
    List of Existing WebAcceleration Profiles in /Common/EPSEC/Status
    List of Existing WebAcceleration Profiles in /Common/EPSEC
    List of Existing WebAcceleration Profiles in /Common/datasync-global
    List of Existing WebAcceleration Profiles in /test1
    List of Existing WebAcceleration Profiles in /test1/

    something you should look at is set_recursive_query_state to 1, stating that you do folder recursion, that s why i can found the profile while i'm in the / folder.

    strange thing is when i'am in the /test1 or /test1/ folder, i don't find anything like in your case ...