Forum Discussion

rgordon_01's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 29, 2016

How to force DNS to resolve externally on APM when connected to vpn

Please advise if there is a better, easier way to accomplish what I am trying to do. We have a url with an external and internal dns record. For the network access policy that is applied, in the DNS address space we have our entire domain ( * While connected to the f5 edge client vpn on an ipad it resolves to the internal dns record due to the domain being in the address space. The problem is, we need it to resolve to the external ip. The only way I could get this working was to remove the entire * and add each url that needs access individually. This is too much work to keep up with adding every url. I was hoping the exclude address space options would help but it doesn't appear to work that way.


Leaving the entire * included and adding the ip to IPV4 Exclude Address space it appears all that does is says do not use the split tunnel for this address-go external however it still resolves internally and therefore doesn't work. Then I tried adding the dns name to DNS Exclude Address Space. That didn't work either. This only applies to ipads. So for now I do not have the * included in the DNS address space and I'm stuck with adding every url but it's becoming more and more of an issue daily. Is there any other way to do this when you have both an internal and external dns record?


  • If you need specific DNS records for VPN access then setup a split DNS. This means you create a DNS view (customised records) which are presented to VPN users.