Forum Discussion

rkirkendall_120's avatar
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Sep 12, 2013

How to enable Netflow on the F5

Looking to enable Netflow to export to Foglight NMS. Thanks


  • I'm fairly certain that NetFlow is not supported. F5 uses a different protocol called sFlow. I think you have to be running v11.2.


  • I don't believe Netflow is supported (unless it's a very recent addition), only sFlow.


  • Full support for the sFlow standard was added in 11.4, see F5 BIG-IP LTM and TMOS 11.4.0 for details about the information being exported and tools that can be used to collect and report on the sFlow data.


    sFlow data is exported in real-time, supporting interesting use cases like denial of service mitigation. The article references OpenFlow as a control protocol, but iRules could be used to implement control actions.