Forum Discussion

_Mo__2's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 29, 2018

How to display the whole configuration of a BIG-IP with default value ?

Hi Guys,


I'm currently seeking the CLI command or a way to display and get the configuration of a BIGIP with all default values include in the configuration file (bigip.conf).


I'm not sure if it's possible with F5.


Thanks for your experience. Morgan


  • Hi,


    try this (CLI command):


    "tmsh list" lists the entire config (all modules)


    "tmsh list sys" lists the sys config


    "tmsh list ltm" lists the ltm config




  • You can see the default configuration file here: /defaults/defaults.scf This is used when restoring the config back to factory settings.

    However what I think you're looking for is the default setting options, per configuration item. Using the tmsh command 'all-properties' will do this for you.

    For example, if you want to view the default setting of a virtual server, you can use

    tmsh list ltm virtual  all-properties

    If you want to view everything, in one command (warning, it's a lot of information) You can use

    tmsh list all-properties

    Compare the following outputs as an example of the additional (default) information when using 'all-properties'

    user@(bigip1)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm node
    ltm node {
    user@(bigip1)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm node all-properties
    ltm node {
        app-service none
        connection-limit 0
        description none
        dynamic-ratio 1
        ephemeral false
        fqdn {
            address-family ipv4
            autopopulate disabled
            down-interval 5
            interval 3600
            name none
        logging disabled
        metadata none
        monitor default
        partition Common
        rate-limit disabled
        ratio 1
        session user-enabled
        state unchecked