Forum Discussion

surya24d's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 13, 2018

How to create redirection page in BIG IP DNS

Hi.i am new to big ip DNS.we have an irule for redirecting the blocked urls to and external Host,Now i want to create a redirection page in BIG IP itself and redirect the blocked urls queries to the new page instead of external server.


when DNS_REQUEST { if { [DNS::question name] starts_with "-" } then { DNS::drop } elseif { [class match [string tolower [DNS::question name]] eq Blacklist_Domain] } then { if { [DNS::question type] eq "A" } then { DNS::answer insert "[DNS::question name]. 60 IN A" DNS::header ra "1" } else { DNS::last_act reject } DNS::return } } any help?


  • Surgeon's avatar
    Ret. Employee

    what sort of redirection you are talking about? HTTP 302?


  • You cannot block/redirect URLs in F5 DNS as it only deals with the DNS queries, FQDN to IP, so the URL is never sent to the F5 DNS.

    I would to do this sort of redirection on the F5 LTMs with

    and have the FQDN used resolve on the F5 DNS to

  • @surgeon. Scenario is we need to block site if any query is coming for we need to redirect or display a custom page/words stating mentioned site is blocked.